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My Words

Empty rooms and silence

(rooms) Once filled with childhood dreams, laughter, sleepovers, study time and the occasional tear from a broken heart. Now just empty beds, old dressers and random pieces of once worn clothes. The book shelves are packed with oft read bedtime stories, random pictures and boxes of forgotten toys.

The stars on the ceiling that barely glow, the "Disney Fairy" decal on the wall are but forgotten decorations. Color choices from the mind of a child are all that remains.

Now only memories of moments long since past.

The dining room that once busseled with morning breakfasts and family dinner conversations remains silent. Chair legs no longer dragging the floor when being pulled back, no scraping of forks or spoons across dinner plates. Faint echoes of random discussions of school activities and lessons, band, boys and toys and daily adventures have long since passed. After the kids left the table was rarely used, meals were eaten while sitting in the living room on the couch or chair in front of television. Conversations lack...

Time, people change but life still moves on. I now knock on the door before entering


 The Fence

Standing silent, broken, battered and worn from neglect, the elements and time itself.

Built in a weekend and constructed of wood, screws, latches and locks. In my mind it was a boundary, to protect inside that which was most dear. A barrier to keep out all that was unwelcome.

For years it stood guard over the play structure, the trampoline and finally the pool. But, in the end it failed...first the cat, then the dog, eventually even my children were able to leave. Now only rusted bikes reside. The wind blows, the grass gets mowed, emptiness exists and silence prevails


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